How To Dye Pasta

Written on 12/11/2023
Lynette Buchanan


  • 1 pound pasta of choice
  • Isopropyl rubbing alcohol 
  • Food coloring; gel or liquid
  • Plastic baggies with good seal
  • Parchment or wax paper
  • Cookie sheet or tray


Step 1: Add 1 tablespoon rubbing alcohol and 10-15 drops of color to a bag. Mix by mushing bag with fingers until well combined.

Step 2: Add pasta to bag.

Step 3: Seal and  gently shake to evenly distribute color 

Step 4: Remove air from bag and gentley knead 

Step 5: Let set for 2 minutes.

Step 6: Dump onto parchment lined cookie sheet and allow 2 hours or overnight dry time.
Step 7: Repeat with remaining colors.
Keep in an air tight container. Can be kept for years if properly stored but always check for mold before use.