Coffee Filter Snowflakes

Written on 01/31/2024
Lynette Buchanan

Age Level
0 Months +

Mess Level

Difficulty to Create

What This Activity Can Teach​

  • Discover cause & effect 
  • Fine and gross motor skills
  • Hand-eye coordination
  • Sensory exploration
  • Social skills 
  • Enhances focus and concentration
  • Color recognition
  • Language development
  • Creativity

Things you'll need for activity

  • White coffee filters
  • Assortment of felt tip markers
  • Spray bottle with water
  • Area to dry filters
  • Snowflake template
  • Scissors 
  • Paperclips 

How To Make

Step 1: take one coffee filter at a time and flatten. 

Step 2: draw all over the filters with the markers. Play around with different patterns, shapes and areas left white. 

Step 3: once all filters are colored, lightly spray with water and saturate entire filter. 

Step 4: layout in a single layer to dry overnight.

Step 5: fold filters in half, then in half again and finally into thirds. Pleas see video.

Step 6: cut out the templates for the snowflakes.

Step 7: using paperclips is optional, attach however many necessary to hold template in place. Then cut out the design.

Step 8: carefully unfold snowflake. Repeat with remaining filters. 

How To Play

My kiddos had fun just letting the snowflakes fall, over and over again. They especially loved having me record them in slow motion and played back. They can be made into a garland as well. 

Product Links

For a direct link to all products used, please head over to form, (LINK HERE) send us a message. Please include the activity name or names you're interested in. Happy to provide all information. Outside links, besides YouTube, are not permitted due to this being an app children can use. Don't need them buying things or going on sites they should not be on.