Snowflake Pom Pom Painting

Written on 12/11/2023
Lynette Buchanan

Age Level
2 Years +

Mess Level

Difficulty to Create

What This Activity Can Teach

  • Color recognition
  • Fine and gross motor skills
  • Hand-eye coordination
  • Social skills 
  • Enhances focus and concentration
  • Language development
  • Creativity

Things you'll need for activity

  • Thick card stock or canvas (this option works best) 
  • Painters tape
  • Medium size pop pom
  • Clothespin
  • Acrylic paints 
  • Paint palate 
  • Silicon mat for table 

 How To Setup

Step 1: using the painters tape, make a snowflake design on the card stock. Don’t press down too hard, you want to be able to get the tape off without ripping the paper.

Step 2: attach a pom pom to a clothespin.

Step 3: add paints to paint palate. 

How To Make

Depending on your Childs skill level, you may need to give some direction on how to dab the paint and then, do their best to only get on the white paper. Not so much on the tape. If the tape becomes too saturated, it will be difficult to get off without ripping the paper. Once finished, carefully remove the tape. Starting with the last piece that was laid down. Try to remove in the order it was placed down, working backwards. 

Product Links

For a direct link to all products used, please head over to form, (LINK HERE) send us a message. Please include the activity name or names you're interested in. Happy to provide all information. Outside links, besides YouTube, are not permitted due to this being an app children can use. Don't need them buying things or going on sites they should not be on.