Name Snow Globe

Written on 12/20/2023
Lynette Buchanan

Age Level
0 Months +

Mess Level
Low to Medium

Difficulty to Create

What This Activity Can Teach

  • Discover cause & effect 
  • Fine and gross motor skills
  • Hand-eye coordination
  • Sensory exploration
  • Social skills 
  • Enhances focus and concentration
  • Language development
  • Creativity

Things you'll need for activity

  • Plastic snow globes 3”
  • Thick double sided tape
  • Mini penguins 
  • Letter beads for bracelet making
  • Bracelet string
  • Glitter or fake snow, with to without glitter
  • Vegetable glycerin or clear glue
  • Water
  • Hot glue
  • 1” white frayed ribbon
  • Mini berry garland 

How To Make

Step 1: using either hot glue or double sided tape, attach the penguin to the lid of the globe.

Step 2: allow 10 mins dry time.

Step 3: add letters to string and attach around the base of the penguin.

Step 4: if using double sided tape, add glitter to the exposed tape area to coat it. If using hot glue, skip step.

Step 5: add 1-2 teaspoons glitter or snow, depending on how heavy you want it.

Step 6: add 1 teaspoon vegetable glycerin, if you’d like a much slower glitter/snow fall, add more. 

Step 7: add water to the top of the glob opening.

Step 8: over a sink place lid on top, water should come out. 

Step 9: if you like the look of the globe, take lid off and dry very well. Dry thread on the globe very well. If you don’t, add more glitter or glycerin, 

Step 10: hot glue the lid and quickly attach. 

Step 11: add the ribbon and garland.

Product Links

For a direct link to all products used, please head over to form, (LINK HERE) send us a message. Please include the activity name or names you're interested in. Happy to provide all information. Outside links, besides YouTube, are not permitted due to this being an app children can use. Don't need them buying things or going on sites they should not be on.